ALINE Dominates XGAMES Barcelona with Impressive Gold Medal Wins

ALINE took the XGAMES by storm in Barcelona. Our athletes landed 2/3’s of XGAME gold’s as well as 19 out of 36 medals! 8 out of 12 possible Gold’s were won by ALINEd athletes! Way to go!

Gary Young, our top 3 ALINE fan & good friend took home the Gold in the BMX Park. Gary has been on ALINE for 7 years, awesome! Another avid ALINE user, Perfo Barros, has been on ALINE for 5 years. Perfo took home the Gold at the Skate Park!

ALINEs favorite event for the podium: BIG AIR BMX GOLD! Congrats to Zack Warden for sleighing in the Gold!

And last but not least, our long time athlete Ronnie Renner back on MOTO Top.