A Great Experience with The Wounded Warrior Project

ALINE Insoles and Wounded Warrior Project Teams.
ALINE with The Wounded Warrior Project

As ALINE System’s Brand Ambassador on IMG Academy, I had the privilege of spending time with the Wounded Warrior Project. Members of the Wounded Warrior Project trekked down to IMG Academy campus to train, sweat, and be mentally challenged and coached by the same coaches training our nation’s elite athlete population. During their stay, I spent my time presenting and ALINEing the group.

To foster the most successful, well-adjusted generation of wounded service members in our nation’s history is the mission of the Wounded Warrior Project. This project is a non-profit organization founded for the benefit of our military’s wounded in battle protecting the freedoms we sometimes take for granted. One of the main directives of this project is to provide unique, direct programs and services to meet the needs of its injured service members.  One of these unique programs was the Ignite 360 Performance Certification offered by Ignite 360 at IMG Academy in Bradenton, Florida.

Wednesday night was the welcome dinner and introduction.  Service men and women from all branches were represented - ARMY, NAVY, MARINES, and AIR FORCE.  The night began with an informal dinner where everyone ate together and became more acquainted with one another.  After an introduction from Jason, Casey, and Johna (not me) - the Wounded Warrior group leaders - Jason Puckett from Ignite 360 and myself had a chance to introduce themselves and speak to the group about the next few days that lay ahead of them at IMG. Coincidentally enough, David Prince, a US Track Team member, Paralympian World Record holder and ALINE Athlete was having a dinner in the next room with his family who was in town to support him for the US Nationals Track Meet. David jumped at the chance to speak to the Warriors about his experience with injury, training thru adversity, and ultimately accomplishing his goals with the support of IMG Academy and their sponsors.  Being able to see an athlete of David’s caliber and disability left a lasting impression on the group.

Throughout the next two days I was able to provide all Wounded Warrior participants with a free lower body alignment analysis, educating them on how improving their biomechanics can enhance athletic performance.  In addition, a complimentary pair of ALINE Foot Suspension System’s were provided to each participant to help the athletes’ arches reshape and align for improved performance and decreased wear and tear on the body.

Sacrificing oneself for the greater good of another is one of the core values for any of our military elite.  Gratitude and thanks are just the beginning of how we should honor these real-life Warriors that walk among us.  At IMG Academy, ALINE Systems and Ignite 360 were able to give back and provide our soldiers with skills, training, and knowledge that will improve their lives and lives of others around them.  Now when these honored few walk among us, at least we know they will be walking in ALINEment with Power Straight Up!!