Tips for Dealing with Bunions (Painful Foot Bumps)

Bunions are an ugly subject, but it doesn't have to be painful one. Most bunion pain comes from an external pressure on the joint, usually from footwear. Typical shoes and boots are designed for the straight foot, and this straight shoe presses on the foot with a bunion.

The bunion needs a place to go inside the shoe without the pressure and sharp edges digging into it. The bump is not always just at the big toe however, many people can experience bumps on the outside or top of their foot as well.

Here are some of our tips that can apply to all foot bumps:

Step 1: Lace Your Shoes Properly

For lace up shoes, like running shoes, follow the lacing guide below to relieve the pressure at the bunion. There are no lacing rules, so some creativity here can make for a much better day on your feet.

Diagram showing how tying shoes can affect bunions.

Step 2: Choose Shoes With No Stitching on the Bunion Area

Always look for shoes with no stitching on the bunion area. A stitch line, tough piece of cloth, or shoe lace eye can rub the area and turn into a real pain in the bunion

Step 3: Have a Cobbler Stretch Your Shoes If Needed

If necessary, take your shoes to cobbler and have them stretch the shoe where you have a bump. A good boot fitter can also do this. Making a small home for the bunion relieves the pressure on it. This tip even works with high heels, ladies! Keep in mind we are trying to help you here

Step 4: Wear Corrective Insoles

Wear your insoles, of course! ALINE insoles' design structure reduces the stresses placed on the bump and the biomechanical reasons the bump may have formed. In the case of a big toe bump, the joint becomes weaker. That requires more support in the surrounding foot structures to relieve the pressures on the bump. Poor alignment also creates painful foot shearing forces on the bump during your normal gait.

Step 5: Stretch Your Calf Region

Stretch your calf region. If your calves are tight, you’re going to need to stretch. Tightness comes when the heel prematurely lifts during your gait. This heel lift moves the pressure forward towards your bump, creating an aggravated and aggravating, situation.

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